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Monterey County

Let's Ride Together


Commute with Enterprise

Monterey- Salinas Transit

Enterprise has partnered with Monterey-Salinas Transit to increase vanpooling options for commuters in Monterey County. 

How Does Commute With Enterprise Work?

We connect employees who live near each other and provide them with a recent-model van or SUV. Riders commute together, saving money and freeing up time to relax or catch up on work. It’s an easy way to start and end the day in a better mindset.


Commute With Us:

  • Vanpools are open to the public and available to commuters traveling to or from Monterey County.
  • Vanpools must have a minimum of 4 riders and complete monthly ridership reports to recieve funding. 
  • Up to a $450 monthly subsidy is available per vehicle from Monterey-Salinas Transit.
  • Maintenance, insurance, roadside assistance and a guaranteed ride home are included.
  • Participation is flexible month-to-month.
  • Vanpooling  can help reduce wear and tear on your personal vehicle.
  • Riding with others helps make a sustainable impact by reducing single occupancy vehicles.