How Much Does Vanpooling Cost?

How Much Does Commute with Enterprise Cost?

When you share a ride to work through Commute with Enterprise, your monthly commute costs depend on the vehicle type, amenities, and commute distance.* Everyone in the group will split the cost of the vanpool and fuel. Government and company subsidies may lower the cost of your monthly payment—sometimes covering it entirely. Commuter tax incentives may also be available.

Employee Commuter Benefits

Additionally, employees can fund their commute to work with up to $315 of pre-tax income per month. This means you pay less tax and keep more cash. For employers, providing this commuter benefit serves as a pre-tax deduction and reduces the amount of taxes on payroll.

Vanpool Cost Calculator

Use the Commuter Savings Calculator to see how much you could save.

*In MI & NY, drivers younger than 25 will incur additional surcharges.